2022: Walkthrough by: Louis Koot  

You can buy this game on gog.com 

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A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

A New Beginning is a rather cartoonish point and click adventure game in which you travel back in time to save the Earth from a catastrophe in the future. 

The game has some difficult puzzles, which you can skip via a red AUTO-SOLVE BUTTON 

The game's interface is a bit complicated. It's not your standard "Left Click and / or Right Click and Grab" game. The game works with what I'll call a "Game  Medallion" but for the sake of simplicity I will refer to it as the "Medaillon". You must first open the "Medallion" before you can Look at, Activate and Take items. And that can be a bit  frustrating at times. The game does offer you a short Tutorial in which a helper helps you to master the controls. That assistant is Pencil and of course it's in English. If you don't speak or understand the English language, you will have difficulty in understanding the explenations of that Pencil. 

The game starts, as is often the case these, with a:


We are 400 years further into the future and  we are on Earth. 2 researchers in protective clothing fly over a large city and take samples of the air.

Apparently something is wrong because the 2 researchers are quite shocked by the outcome of their measurements. We end up in a large room, packed with scientists. The scientists in this room are also shocked by the measurements. The measurements have confirmed what has already been thought.....in 2 weeks time there will be an eruption on the Sun that will destroy all life on Earth. Although the Earth is protected by a magnetic shield, this shield will not withstand the devastating radiation of the Sun.

Evacuation of Earth's population is pointless...it is too late for that. There is really only 1 solution and that is the implementation of the PHOENIX Project. 

The PHOENIX Project is an untested way to travel back in time to manipulate past events so that they don't happen in the future.

After the intro movie, the game really starts with the Chapter 0: Prologue

Chapter 0: Proloque

Chapter 1: Leaden Air

Chapter 2: A Night in the Global

Chapter 3: Rude Awakening

Chapter 4: The Conference

Chapter 5: Atlas part 1

Chapter 6: Atlas part 2

Chapter 7: Bent Svensson is Dead 

Chapter 8: The Phoenix Plan and Epiloque

2022: Walkthrough by: Louis Koot