2021:Walkthrough by Dick Leeuw and  Louis Koot

If you have found this walkthrough via google search or via another site then you have  probably not visited my site. 

A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

This walkthrough is made while playing this game on NORMAL DIFFICULTY. 

If you play the game on HARD Difficulty then the story is the same but the puzzles and solutions are different

Part 4: Bogard part 2: Caves:

Open up Gate A

Bogard has ended up in the caves. Move forward until you reach Gate Opener A

Standing at Gate Opener A you look to the left .... You look into a side cave and there you see Gate A

Go into the side cave and take a closer look at Gate A. Gate A is of course locked. Gate Opener B sticks on Gate A and this panel looks just like Gate Opener A.

Go back to Gate Opener A then go past A and all the way to Gate B

Gate B is also locked and it has Gate Opener C. Go back to Gate Opener A and now stand straight in front of it and ......The panel has 18 boxes and is divided into a top part and a bottom part. Both the top part and the bottom part have 9 boxes and in some of those boxes you see a pattern. At the top and bottom of the panel there are 5 lights, some of which are now lit You can click in the top part and the bottom part to get other patterns in the boxes and then other lights will light up as well. If you do this a few times first, Emmanuel will explain this puzzle to you and you can also get an explanation via your H-key, if you play on Normal difficulty

This is not a random puzzle, so there is now only 1 solution. Now in this Gate Opener A make sure you get the patterns and burning lights as in this screenshot

Then go to Gate A again and activate Gate Opener B on the gate and......

... then set up exactly the same pattern and lights on Gate Opener B as you did on Gate Opener A  ........So make sure you get the same squares in the top and bottom panels as you put in on Gate Opener A. Then click above the panel on the lights 1, 2 and 4 and below the panel on the lights 2 and 3  to click those lights on and ..... Gate A slides open

Go forwards to the:

The Magnetic Balls Puzzle

This one is done by Dick Leeuw, text and screenshots. I think there are more then one way to solve this puzzle but here is how Dick has done it.

I did it differently but didn't take screenshots of how I did it

Walk to the centre and stand on top of the small dome.

From the dome you can solve the whole puzzle. If you are here in active mode, you can rotate if you hold down the left mouse button. Around the dome are 3 rings containing magnetic balls, poles, holes and yellow circles. Call the rings 1 to 3 from the inside out. The aim is to place a magnetic ball in each yellow circle.

If you click on a magnetic ball, it moves sideways in the same ring, if you click on it again, the ball continues in the same direction. If the magnetic ball hits something, the magnetic ball will go the other way when you click on the ball. To get a magnetic ball to another ring you have to enclose the magnetic ball so that the magnetic ball can only go to the next ring.

  Turn back and look at the entrance, this is part A.

Turn to the left and you will see the big wheel in the rock, this is part B.

Turn further to the left and you look at the rock, this is part C.

Turn even further to the left and you will see water, this is part D.

Go back to part C and click the magnetic ball in ring 1 to the left until against the pole.

In ring 1 you see holes and stripes. Iin this ring the magnetic ball can also lie on the stripe.

If the ball goes to the right, then you have to push it to the other post and then back to the left.

 In ring 3 there are 2 magnetic balls, click both balls to the right against the pole.

If you now click on the right ball, it can only move forward to ring 2.

Click the magnetic balls in ring 2 to the right and then turn to the right yourself and you look at part B.

Now click the magnetic balls in ring 2 and 3 further to the right.

Now click the ball in the yellow circle on ring 2, to ring 1. Now push the ball in the yellow circle on ring 3, to ring 2.

Now click the ball in ring 1 to the right.

Click the left magnetic ball in ring 3 to the right and then click the ball in the yellow circle on ring 2, to ring 1. Then click that ball to the right.

Now click the left ball in ring 2 to the right in the yellow circle and then click the ball against the pole to ring 1.

Turn slightly to the right and click the 4 balls against the post.

Turn to part D, you can now click 2 balls to ring 2.

Also click the 2 balls in ring 1 against the post and also click the 3 balls in ring 2 to the right against the post.

Now click 1 ball in ring 1 to ring 2 and you can now also click 1 ball from ring 2 to ring 3.

Now click the left ball in ring 2 to the right and then click the middle ball to ring 3.

Then click the other ball to the left to the yellow circle.

Then click the left ball in ring 2 to the right, now you can click the other ball to ring 1.

Now click the ball in ring 2 to the left, to the yellow circle. Click the 2 balls in ring 1 to the right all the way to the other pole in ring 1.

Then click the ball to ring 2 and then click the 2 balls in ring 2 to the left against the post.

Also click the ball in ring 1 to the left.

Click the ball to ring 3 and then to the left, to the yellow circle.

Click the other ball in this ring to the right in the yellow circle. Also click the ball in ring 1 to the yellow circle.

Then click the ball in ring 2 to the right to the yellow circle.

You now look at part A, finally click the 2 balls in ring 3 to the yellow circles.

You will then see a deck rising.

Look at the big wheel, then walk right along the wall to the semi-circular passage.

Walk through the cave and leave it through the back entrance.  

outside you will see the blue twist of a postcard in the left corner. Click on the blue rotation and click the postcard away.

  Turn to the right and then walk across the platform, 

go up the stairs and there you will find a tablet, click on the tablet.


Then turn to the right and you will see a staircase, look up and you will see an elevator cabin. You cannot go any further here.

  Go back down and go back to the cave with the magnetic balls. Cross over the magnetic balls and leave this cave and  .......

  .....go back to Gate Opener A

You know that further on in the cave is Gate B and you have to open up Gate B in the same way as you did with Gate A.

This combination of Gate Opener A and Gate Opener C on Gate B has  worked for me.  

  If this doesn't work for you then you're out of luck...You will then have to try different settings on Gate Opener A an on Gate B. 

Dick has open  up Gate B open with the settings of Gate B on both Gate Opener A and Gate Opener C of Gate B, so apparently this is also random

 Anyway, when you have Gate B open then go further forwards through the caves

  walk further, and talk with Frank, the miner who is waiting for you

.....but Frank isn't real and he disappears into thin air  Walk further and there is another tablet on the left. 

Click on the tablet to read the next bit of the story and then continue walking and.....

  ..........You will come to some large cogwheels.  

  Look behind the gears and you will see a staircase on the right, walk up and you will see a gap in the bridge.


On the other side of the gab stand a switch with witch you must open up a gate downstairs Go back to the gears, in front of each gear you see a double lever: up and down. Stand straight in frond of those 3 levers. You have to bring up a plateau to be able to walk over  the bridge to that switch


Click the lever in front of the left gear 7x up, then click the lever in front of the middle gear up 4x and then click the lever in front of the right gear 1x up.

So, the code is 7 4 1, then click on the rotary wheel under the handle in the middle.

  You will then see the plateau come up and you can now walk over  the bridge to the switch

Go up the stairs again and walk to the other side,


 click on the switch and you will see the gate open up.  

Go back to the gears because the plateau must now go down again 

The code for this level is: 4 9 11, you don't need to reset the gears.

You can simply adjust the position of the 3 levers: click the left lever down 3x, the lever in the middle clicks up 5x and the right lever clicks up 10x.  

Then click on the wheel in the middle.

  The platform drops down,

 walk up the stairs again and jump down the gap to the platform.  

Walk further and go through the gate, you will enter a large room.


In the middle is a tablet and a switch, read the tablet and click on the switch.  

You see the elevator cabin coming down.


You have to go back to the first panel and then past/through the ball puzzle...


.... through the cave and then up the stairs and.........  

Step into the cabin and you go up, you will see a separate kind of walkway.

Follow the walkway to the other end and..... you will come to a teleporter.


Step into the teleporter to teleport to Level 6......in the meantime we switch to

  Part 5.: Amia: Floating Islands in the Clouds

2021:Walkthrough by Dick Leeuw and  Louis Koot