2023: Walkthrough by: Louis Koot

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A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

World B2: Part 2

Tetris Puzzle 39: Man on the Moon

When you enter this courtyard you see that it is divided in 2 parts by a dividing wall with fences. You also see a block and a red pressure tile.

Take a look through the middle fence of the dividing wall. The tetris floats behind the blue gate, but unfortunately you cannot climb over the dividing wall.

 Turn to the block. You'll see that in the corner there are 2 red pressure tiles, 2 fanholders and 2 fans.  Go there

Each fanholder has a plate to jump on but the fans are not on the fanholders.

Pick up the left fan and place it in the left fan holder

Then pick up the other fan and place it on the red pressure tile in front of the left fan holder, to activate the left fan

Now go to the block and pick up the block and turn around and......

Take the block to the left fan and then jump, with the block in your hands, onto the jumping plate of the fan and........

......with the block in your hands you are now blown over the dividing wall by the fan and you land behind the dividing wall

A red pressure tile at the blue gate. Place the block on the red pressure tile, in front of the blue gate. The gate opens so go score the tetris

Climb back over the dividing wall via one of the ladders and then leave this courtyard via the purple gate

Back at the Plaza, go left to the 4th purple gate of this world. 

On the sign you see that you are now going to score a red L-tetris. So step through the gate into the courtyard.

Tetris Puzzle 40: Higher Ground

This is a complicated puzzle where you have to deal with 2 times 2 mines that you have to avoid and which you have to put out of "sync"

You have arrived at the front of this courtyard. You have to go behind the left wall and there is also a second purple gate here. On the right side is a higher ledge that you reach via the stone stairs. Near the stone stairs is Jammer 1 and on the higher ledge is Jammer 2. As you know, you cannot take Jammers and Connectors through purple gates. Below Jammer 2 is a place where you can paint a QR code, but I didn't bother with it

The higher ledge has 3 platforms, A,  B and C. Jammer 2 stand on platform B. At Jammer 1 is the purple gate that gives access to the inner area of this courtyard.

Ga to Jammer 1 and pick it up and take it up the stone stairs and then turn right and......

.......go up to platform A.......

On platform A, turn right and......you now look out over the left part of the inner area of this courtyard. 

You see the blue gates 1, 2 and 3. Behind gate 1 there is a bunch of keys floating. 

Your first priority is to pick up those keys because you need the keys to open an iron door with them. 

Aim jammer 1 at blue gate 2 and then jam gate 2 open and then place the jammer on platform A.

Gate 2 is now open. Now to open up gate 1. Turn right and now go over the ledge to Jammer 2, which is on platform B.

Pick up Jammer 2 and look out over the inner area. Straight ahead you see blue gate 4. In the middle of the area is a higher platform and on it is jammer 3. Behind gate 4 is another area through which 2 mines, A and B, go. On the right you see the area where mines C and D go through and there is also gate 6, where the red L-tetris floats behind

From platform B and with Jammer 2, first open the blue gate 4 and then place jammer 2 back on the platform

Turn right and now walk to the end of the ledge, platform C, and then turn left. You are now looking out, from platform C, over the rightmost area of the inner courtyard. In that area, mines C and D go up and down and they do so in sync. In the front right you see blue gate 6 and behind it floats the red L-tetris that you have to score. To get to the red tetris you have to go through that area, but to do so safely you must first take those 2 mines out of "sync" so that when one mine goes up, the other mine goes down. Now those 2 mines move through the area simultaneously. You cannot do this yet because you need Jammer 2, but jammer 2 is now busy keeping Gate 4 open. You now have to go to gate 4.

Turn left and go back over the ledge to the stone stairs. Descend the stairs again and then go through the purple gate into the inner area.

At the back left you see blue gate 1. In the middle is the higher platform on which Jammer 3 is located. 

So climb up the stone stairs to the top of the platform

On top of the platform you look at gate 4.

 Through gate 4 you can now also see the rear area through which mine A and B move, simultaneously, from left to right and back again. 

You also have to take those 2 mines out of "sync" and you need Jammer 3 for that.

So turn left and go to Jammer 3 and pick up Jammer 3. Then jump down and.......

.......Take Jammer 3 through gate 4 and then go left and to the window. Look through the window......

Through the window you will now see blue gate 5. You will also see mines A and B, which go up and down simultaneously through the area behind the window. The mines go from gate 5 to the right and then come back. You also need to separate these 2 mines so that if one mine is near gate 5 the other mine is at the "exit" on the right. Wait until you see the mines again and if they are near gate 5 then jam 1 of these mines so that the mine remains stationary. The other mine goes back to the right.......

...Quicly turn right and wait until you see the other mine goes to the right, through the fence. 

Then quickly turn back to Jammer 3 and pick up Jammer 3 again to activate the mine you have jamed again.

Now mines A and B move separately through the area and if you did it right one mine will be at gate 5 while the other mine will be on the other side. 

Take Jammer 3 with you, back through gate 4, and go to gate 1. Jam gate 1 open with jammer 3 and put the jammer on the ground.

Enter through gate 1, turn left en ga to the keys through gate 2. 

Take the keys en turn around. 

De iron door that you need those keys for is behind gate 3. You need jammer 3 to open up gate 3 but you can't take jammer 3 right now. 

First you must jam gate 1 with jammer 2 and then you can take jammer 3. So ga all the way back, through gate 1 and the purple gate 

Back in the front area, climb back up the ledge and go to Jammer 2, on platform B

Now pick up Jammer 2 again. Gate 4 will then of course close again, but you no longer have to go through gate 4.

 Now aim Jammer 2 at gate 1, which is still being jammed by Jammer 3. 

Jam gate 4 now also with Jammer 2 and then put the jammer back on platform B.

Now go back to gate 1. Gate 1 is now held open by Jammer 2 and Jammer 3. Pick up Jammer 3 and walk with it to Gate 3

Jam gate 3 open with Jammer 3 and put the jammer down.

Go through gate 3 and walk around the thick column to the iron door and "use" the door. You open the door with the keys.

Through the opened door to Gate 5....Behind gate 5 is the area where mines A and B now move back and forth asynchronously. 

You need Jammer 3 to open Gate 5, but you can't bring Jammer 3 here now. On the left wall of gate 5 you can read 3 QR messages.

Go back through the iron door and gate 3 to Jammer 3.

Pick up Jammer 3 again and jam gate 1 with it from the inside and put the jammer back down. Gate 3 will then be closed again

Go all the way back, through Gate 1 and the purple gate, to Jammer 1 on platform A of the ledge. Pick up Jammer 1 and now jam open Gate 3 with it

Put Jammer 1 back down. Gate 3 is now held open by Jammer 1 from platform A and Gate 1 is held open by Jammer 3 on the inside.

Now go back to Jammer 2, on platform B of the ledge

Pick up Jammer 2 again and take it to platform C, the end of the ledge

On platform C, turn counterclockwise so that you again look out over the area through which mines C and D move, still synchronized with each other. 

Wait until both mines are either on the other side or at the front fence. Then jam one of the mines and place the Jammer

Then wait until the other mine is on the other side and then pick up Jammer 2 again to reactivate the deactivated mine. If you did it right, the 2 mines will now move up and down through the area independently of each other. If one mine is in the back then the other mine is in the front of the area

Take Jammer 2 back to platform B and then turn back to the area where mines C and D go up and down. 

From platform B, open Gate 6 with Jammer 2 and then place Jammer 2 back on the platform

You're almost done here. All you have to do is open Gate 5 and then zigzag through the 2 areas where mines A, B, C and D move through to reach Gate 6 and the red tetris. So back to Gate 1 and to Jammer 3. Gate 3 is now held open by Jammer 1 on platform A of the ledge and Gate 1 by Jammer 3 on the inside,

Pick up Jammer 3 again and take it with you, through gate 3 and the iron door, to Gate 5

Jam gate 5 open with Jammer 3 and place the jammer on the ground.

Now it gets hard. If you did it right, mines A and B will now move separately through the area. You now have to go through this area to the "exit" in the back. You have to do this in a zigzag manner, so wait until one mine is at gate 5 and the other mine is at the back. If the mine at gate 5 goes back and the other mine goes to you again, follow the mine that goes backwards and then zigzag from left to right until you have reached the "exit" and then go quickly through the exit.

NB: If you are unable to survive this part with the mines, you may consider using the God Cheat for this. 

The mines won't kill you then and you can just run straight through the area and past the mines. Read my section about cheating for this

If you have managed to survive mines A and B, you must do the same to survive mines C and D. 

If you have also separated these 2 mines well, you will have no problems reaching Gate 6 alive.

So, go through Gate 6 and score the red L-Tetris and.....

The Exit gate opens. First check where mines C and D are now before running like crazy to and through the now opened gate. 

If both mines are not nearby, run to and through the opening and then run further to the EXIT purple gate and Exit through the gate to the Plaza

You are done with World B2. You can now immediately teleport back to the Temple / Tomb of World B and then continue with World B 3.

 But you can also use the computer terminal here because maybe there's something new

I was now able to play a question and answer game with the administrator again and then I was able to read 3 new emails.

 I really have no idea if this stuff with the computer terminals matters to ending the game, so I just use every terminal I come across

Get in de Telepter to teleport back to the Temble / Tomb. Find Teleporter 3 and teleport to World B3

World B 3

2023: Walkthrough by: Louis Koot