2018: Walkthrough by: Dick Leeuw en Louis Koot


If you have found this walkthrough via google search or via another site then you have  probably not visited my site. 

A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

"Click to start" is what you see as you start up your game, so let's do so. You start the game on the main screen. 

Let's go to the SETTINGS first to set up the game according to your preferences. 

You can alter audio settings, graphics settings, and gameplay settings; if you have a VR like the Oculus, you can set up your VR settings to play this game in Virtual Reality. 

I would advise you to activate the "Jump Assist" because you must jump a lot in this game and it will be a big help. The "Jump Assist" will make all that jumping a lot easier to do because it will show you where you have to jump to. In the first stages of the game the jumps aren't that difficult, but as you progress in the game you must do more and more jumping, the "Jump Assist" will be very helpful then. 

Click "Back" when you are satisfied with your settings in order to go back to the main screen. 

You must choose a game slot in which you want to play the game; you can choose from the slots A, B and C. In each game slot you can start a new game, so choose a game slot. You will play the game from the game slot of your choice and the game saves your game in that slot. The next thing to do is to choose an animal. You will play the game as the animal of your choice from the game slot of your choice. 

Click "CONFIRM," then confirm all your choices and click "PLAY" to start your journey through the wonderful lands of XING. We start here:

You are on a white screen and you see a big closed door on the right and a small open door on the left. 

In front of the big door stands a little console. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are dead.

This first bit is the TUTORIAL of the game. You'll learn how to move through the game and in the bottom right corner of your screen you'll see an icon that explains this. These explanatory icons will pop up during this tutorial. You move through the game by using the WASD-keys of your keyboard. Further explanation on how the controls work will follow.  Now walk forward to that little console. Look at the console; it's not working. This console is for opening the big door but you won't be able to do this now. The whole meaning of your journey through Xing is to go through the big door, so you will end up here at the end of your journey.

So walk to the small door and go through it and you end up in a world with floating islands; before you is a hanging bridge. 

Go over the bridge to the island and as you do you get a hint about how to run. 

This is a tutorial so you must do what the game is asking you to do, so run over the bridge to the floating island and then jump through the window to the other side. 

Go over the next bridge and you'll be at the hole in the rock. The game tells you how to zoom in, so press your Z-key to zoom in to look through the hole in the rock. 

You are looking into a big cave. Zoom out and walk through the hole into the cave. You are now in:


On the circle on the ground you'll see the animal of your choice. Further on is a round "pipe" on the ground, with light coming out of it. 

Walk to that "light pipe" and there are 4 pieces of a plaque coming out of the pipe; these four pieces will come together to form a plaque. Grab the plaque by clicking your left mouse button. 

You will carry the plaque in your hand. Further on is a pond. Carry the plaque to the pond. 

Stand on the very edge of the pond, focus the plaque on the pond, and click your right mouse button and hold. You'll see a blue ray and a rose coming out of the pond. Now let go of your right mouse button to throw the plaque into the pond and a disc of light appears in the water of the pond. Go stand on this light disc and a Golem comes out of the water and speaks to you. 

Listen to what the Golem tells you; he explains where you are and what you must do.

When the Golem is done, he dives into the pond again and a strange blue stone appears above the pond. Stay where you are and look around a bit first. There are 4 large round doors in this Zeneth Cave. By each of these round doors you see a floating white sphere. These spheres are floating above a water pot. Each of these round doors is the entry to one of the worlds of Xing. You must go to all 4 worlds to collect the 4 lost souls, who are lost in these worlds, and bring them back to Zeneth to give them their final resting place. Behind the pond is a closed gate.

First, go to each of the four floating white spheres. When you approach a sphere it disappears and you'll see a message. 

You will see numerous white spheres of this kind during your travels through the lands of Xing; they give you hints and messages such as the ones you see here now. When you have seen all four messages of the 4 spheres, go to the locked gate behind the pond. Read the message that's on the gate. 

Behind this gate is the Forest, but you need one shining rune to open the gate. This is another task you have to do in the worlds of Xing; namely, to find the Rune stones. In front of each of the 4 round doors is a circle, but at only one door does that circle have a white light; it is the round door to the right of the closed gate. Go to that round door, stand on the light circle, and the big round door opens. 

Through the now-open door you see a glass mosaic door with a blue button in front of it. 

Walk to the blue button and press it and the glass mosaic door breaks into a thousand pieces. 

Go through the opening and a big colorful circle will appear; this circle will transport you to the first world of Xing - Iztali Point.

World 1: Iztali Point part 1

2018: Walkthrough by: Dick Leeuw en Louis Koot