2020: Walkthrough by: Louis Koot

If you have found this walkthrough via google search or via another site then you have  probably not visited my site. 

A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

For this walkthrough I play the DIRECTOR's CUT version of the game.

This Director's Cut version has 2 different Endings but otherwise it is the same as the first version

Book 1: The Plague (The Blight)

Part 2: Domain of Hera:


Those annoying Harpies have disappeared and Argonus stand on his feet again. Turn around for a moment. You will see that you have landed on the other side of the two fire pillars. Between the fire pillars you can now go back and forth between the Poseidon domain and this Hera Domain. Every time you do that there will be a loading and the story of Argonus, his father and Argus will be updated. I'm not going to do this and I'm not going to write this all out for you either. We will have to return to Poseidon a few times anyway

Hera is the goddess of marriage and fertility and she is the sister of Zeus but also his wife

Turn around again to look out over this new area again. You are still on the beach. Right in front of you, on the left, a path goes up to the mill and the village. But we will stay on the beach for a while and will follow the coastline a bit to pick up the planks 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Right in front of you are a few large boulders on the edge of the beach. Behind those rocks are 3 trees. Between the rocks is the wreck of a sailing boat. The dark brown sail of that boat is on the beach. Continue to the rocks and the dark brown boat sail.

Between the sail you will find Plank 9. Pick up the plank

At the 3 trees, which are beyond these boulders, you will find Plank 10.

Walk through to those 3 trees and pick up Plank 10

Follow the beach, along the sea, further. Past the next boat wreck you will come to two petrified Argonauts. The front argonaut is kneeling and the rear is upright. Plank 11 is on the left behind the kneeling Argonaut and Plank 12 can be found at the upright Argonaut

Continue to the kneeling Argonaut. This is Agamedes, one of your comrades. Plank 11 is located on the left behind Agamedes. Pick up plank 11.

Continue to the other Argonaut. This is Danaus, a rower from the Argo.

Just before Danaus you can pick up Plank 12

Follow the beach further, past Danaus, but keep walking along the sea line. The wide beach then ends and a river flows from the land into the sea. A wooden bridge crosses the river. At the end of this beach, an Argonaut sticks out above the tall grass and you can score Plank 13 just in front of him

Go pick up Plank 13

Then walk on to the Argonaut. This is Coronus.

Continue to the bridge and cross the bridge to the other side of the river.

In the distance it ends up dead against the high rocks. A statue is under construction and it is dothfull if it will ever be finished

Walk all the way up to the rocks. High above you can see that there is a cave in the rocks. You need a ladder to reach that cave.

Turn around. We have to go back to the beginning of this beach. First open the Map (M button). The map has now been updated with this beach.

The Mill, the village and the temple are not yet on the map, but we will take care of that now

Go back over the wooden bridge and stay on the right side of the beach, along the edge of the forest. Walk on. There is then a path to the right.

This path goes up to the mill and the village. Do not take this path but keep walking straight along the edge of the forest

In the high grass, near a rock, is a petrified man. Go hear what Calliope has to say about it

Continue until you see the 2 fire pillars in the distance. Then turn around and now follow the left path up

When you are almost at the top you will see an ox cart on the left side and on the right the chief of the village sits on a rock.

This village boss is Asterion, unfortunately he was unable to protect his village against the plague

Go to the cart. View the ox, the child and the man sitting on the cart and hear what Calliope has to say about it

Walk to the back of the cart and then turn around. There are barrels in the cart. Mosaic Shard 4 is in front of the barrels. Take mosaic shard 4



Turn around and walk to the Mill. Step through the opening in the fence onto the Mill yard

In the yard are 2 houses and the grain mill. Pigs and chickens are walking around the yard. Continue to the mill. There is a ladder against the mill

Walk to the ladder. Take the ladder. You need the ladder to climb to the cave in the rocks, but we'll do that later

You can view the large millstone in the mill and hear what Calliope has to say about it. Go to the front of the 2 houses that are here in the yard. The left house is bigger and higher than the right house. However, the doorway of the left house is blocked by the petrified resident and his dog, so you cannot enter.

You can enter the right house and then click on anything you can click in the only room.

Go stand in frond of the 2 cottages with the cottages in your back. You can see the covered fountain in the distance. In front of the fountain you see 4 columns. However, there are 6 columns, but you don't see the other 2 columns right now. Walk through the wide hole in the fence to the 4 columns. The columns mark the crossroads of what was once the paved road of this village. The petrified Phidias of Athens is waiting for you in front of the 4 columns

Walk past Phidias to the crossroads. Straight ahead you see a stone staircase in the distance that goes to the Canyon. Turn counterclockwise. You will see the Fountain again. A woman with a baby is standing in front of the fountain. Walk over to the woman and hear what Calliope has to say about her and her poor baby

House 1 is on the left behind the fountain and house 2 on the right behind the fountain. First go to House 1.

A petrified elderly man stands in front of house 1. In the bushes there is a wooden cart.

Walk to the cart and make sure you zoom in completely. In front of the cart is something where you get the Hand on. It is a Flint  with Steel, so a Flint. Take the Flint 

View the Flint in inventory .... you can make a fire with it

Go tickle the elderly man. House 1 also has an upper floor. Enter house 1 through the open front door

House 1: Make sleeping powder

At the back left is low wooden table. Walk over there

Make sure you can see everything on the low low table. From left to right, the items on the table are: a Recipe, a Bowl, a Pestle and a Pouch.

Take the Recipe, Pestle and the Pouch. The Pouch is empty

View the Recipe in inventory. The recipe contains drawings of the 3 plants you picked in the Poseidon Domain and it says "SLEEP".

You are now going to make a sleeping powder. For this you need the 3 plants, the pestle and the pouch

From the inventory, one by one, drag the three plants to the bowl and then click them into the bowl

Then drag the Pestle to the bowl and click the thing on the Hand and ...

... Argonus grains the 3 plants in the bowl into a purple powder with the pestle

When Argonus has finished stamping, drag the Pouch to the bowl, to the Hand. Then click again and .....

Argonus fills the pouch with the purple powder. You now have a pouch with sleeping powder

Go back outside. You can take a look at the top floor of House 1, but you will not find anything of interest. Now go to the Fountain

To the right of the fountain sits a petrified woman. Zoom in on the fountain to hear what Calliope has to say about it.

Then turn to the left. There is a solid stone column between 2 of the pillars of the roof. Walk over there

Make sure you zoom in completely on the stone column and ..... At the top of the column is the Mosaic Panel. You get 7 rounds and in each round you get the open hand. The mosaic is missing 7 pieces and you must put those missing pieces in it. You have found 4 Mosaic shards so far, so you have to find 3 more shards.

If you want you can now place your 4 shards in the mosaic. I am not doing this yet because I will first look for the missing 3 shards

Turn around and walk to the woman sitting at the front of the fountain. Mosaic shard 5 then lies on the floor of the woman. Pick it up

Turn around and walk back to the crossroad between the 4 columns. You will also see the other 2 columns.

Furthermore, a child is sitting in the tall grass and Mosaic shard 6 is lying just in front of that child.

Walk on to the petrified child, who is sitting on a flat rock. In front of the child then pick up Mosaic shard 6

Return to the Fountain, but now go right past the fountain to House 2, in the distance.

House 2

An inhabitant of House 2 has unsuccessfully begged the Gods to let the Plague pass her by.

Step into the courtyard of House 2. In the courtyard, click again on everything you can click on to hear Calliope's comment about it

House 2 also has an upper floor, but first check out the downstairs rooms.

The ground floor has 1 room and a long narrow kitchen. There is not much to do.

Back outside, go left into the corner and then climb up the stone staircase to the floor

Upstairs you enter the only room, it is apparently the bedroom.

Walk to the back because on the back bed you will find Mosaic shard 7, so grab it

Now go back to the Mosaic column at the fountain and zoom in again completely

You now have to click the 7 Mosaic shards in the panel. You do not have to puzzle yourself because each shard only fits in one place in the panel. Open the inventory and then pick up one of your 7 shards and drag the shard to a circle. If the shard fits in that place in the panel, the Hand will get bigger. Then click to place the shard in that spot in the panel. Do the same with the other 6 Mosaic shards. Use the arrows to scroll up / down through the inventory to the next shard

When you have clicked all 7 shards in the panel, Calliope will tell you what the mosaic represents when you click on it

Now go back to the crossroad between the 4 columns and then turn left so that you look again at the stone stairs in the distance

Follow the path to the stone stairs and walk up. Warrior Alcon sits on the platform between the lower and upper stairs

Climb further up and continue to the very edge and ..... You can't go any further ....

.. the path ends at the canyon and once there was a bridge but that bridge is gone

Turn right and ..... In the distance the Temple of goddess Hera is standing on top of the rock. We'll take a look there.

Go back down and to the crossroad between the columns. Then turn left. Now follow the path straight ahead and ...

.... past the last 2 columns you will enter a wide open space. On the right is the Apple Orchard and a pond and on the left you see the temple of Hera. We will soon be doing the apple orchard and the pond ... but first we will honor the goddess Hera with a visit. In front of the stairs to the temple stand Arcius, son of Bias and brother of Taulus,

To the right of the temple stairs is a warrior on the rocks. 

Walk to the right of the stairs and get close to that warrior on the rocks to get the round on it. Then click to hear Calliope tell. This is Erginus

Then climb up the stairs to the temple. Halfway up the stairs you come to Zetes, son of Bereas

Climb further up and enter the temple of Hera, goddess of fertility.

There are a few petrified people you can check out and Calliope will tell you about them

Walk on to goddess Hera. Look up at her divine face and left click the hand circle. Calliope tells something about the goddess again

Then right click the hand circle and ....... Hera comes alive and speaks to Argonus

Hera doesn't need a cartographer, she needs a warrior and after telling Argonus this she petrifies again

Behind Hera you will find another round transport stone, but this one is not active yet

Go back down and go to the apple orchard and the pond

The apple trees are around the pond. A number of boulders float in the air above the pond. The Harpies sit on the tops of the trees

Left click the water in the pond. Calliope tells you about the pond and you see that you need to through something in to the water

Look up at a Harpie in a tree and then left click the mutt to hear Calliope's comment

There are golden apples in the trees here.

Look for a bunch of apples in the trees and then left click on it to hear Calliope again about the apples.

Then right-click on the apples to pick an apple ..... but unfortunately, the Harpies do not allow Argonus to pick the apples.

Argonus has to show Hera that he is also a warrior, so he needs a weapon. You have found the ladder at the Mill so you can probably reach the high cave in the rocks with the ladder. Go back to the crossroad between the columns, in front of the fountain. Then turn left and follow the path, past the mill, down to the ox cart. At the ox cart you go left to the intermediate path

Follow the path down to the beach and then left to the wooden bridge. Cross the wooden bridge again and run to the high rocks with the high cave

Look up at the cave to get the Hand. Then drag the ladder to your hand and click to place the ladder. 

Then right click the ladder and ....... Argonus climbs up to the cave via the ladder .....


Argonus has climbed up the ladder and is now in the cave. Continue forward over the suspension bridge and then through the next hole into the next cave

In the 2nd cave you go through the shallow water to the right and then left and then you see that there are 2 deep end caves.

In the left cave you can score a Coin and in the right cave a rusty sword

First enter the left end cave and wade through the water to the back. On a flat stone you will find a Coin ..... Take the Coin ... it is a Greek Drachma

The coin is almost not visible on the stone, so check in inventory whether you actually scored the coin

Then go back and now into the right end cave. At the back of this end cave is a small water hole with a rock column in the middle. The sword is on that column

Grab the Sword ... it's the Ixphos sword but the thing is heavily rusted and out of focus and the tip has broken off

Turn around and go back through the caves, over the suspension bridge, to the beginning. Look down at the ladder and ...

I couldn't get a Hand on the ladder to climb back down, so I simply ran forward to jump down to the beach. After all, Athena is our patroness for a reason, so you won't die. Landed on the beach you go back over the wooden bridge and then back up via the middle path to the ox cart.

From the ox cart back to the Mill and then you cross over the mill yard to the steps of Hera's temple. Climb up again and stand in full worship again for the lovely Hera and get your hand back on her face. Then open the inventory and then drag the Ixphos sword to the hand and click it on the Hand and .......

Hera emerges from her petrified state again and addresses Argonus again.

Hera now tells that the Harpies of Zeus, her brother and loving husband, are "soiling" her apple orchard.

If Argonus succeeds in chasing those wicked Harpies from her orchard, he will be richly rewarded

Hera then sees what a pathetic state Argonus sword is in and she takes the sword and transforms it into a beautiful white and sharp sword

Hera then returns to her petrified state. View the beautiful sword in inventory

Open the Map and click on the Hera Temple circle and then listen to Argonus reading from his diary about Hera

Leave the temple and descend the stairs and return to the orchard pond. The Harpie sit on top of the trees.

Go to one of the trees by the pond and then look up and try to chase the Harpie with the renewed sword.

However, the Harpie does not get under the pressure of the sword and remains quietly where it is. Argonus needs heavier resources to drive the Harpies out of the orchard and he can get it in the Poseidon Domain. You now have to return to the severed Hydra head in the Poseidon Domain but you can't travel via the map. So follow the route back to the ox cart and then continue straight on to the 2 Fire Pillars on the beach. Go between the two pillars of fire and ...... there will be a loading in which the story of Argonus will be updated

Back in the Domain of Poseidon

After the loading you will be back on the Poseidon beach. Follow the route, via the stairs, to Palaemonius and ..... 

.....at Palaemonius you follow the forest path to Aleus and Phalerus and then on to the severed Hydra Head

Zoom in on the Hydra head so that you get the Hand on it. Then drag the Sword to the Hand and click and .......

With the sword Argonus manages to demolish 3 Hydra Teeth from the mouth of the head.

View the Hydra Teeth in inventory to hear what Calliope has to say about it

It seems like a modest booty, those 3 Hydra teeth, but it is enough to chase away those very annoying Harpies of Zeus.

Return to Amphititre and through the rocks again, then between the two pillars of fire. Another Loading follows

Back in the Domain of Hera

From the loading you follow the route back to the pond of the orchard. Walk into the pond so that you get the Hand on the water.

Then drag the Hydra Teeth to the Hand and let go and .......

see what happens ..... The 4 heavy stones fall down and from the pond 3 of Hera's Skeleton soldiers emerge and chase these 3 skinny gentlemen away from the Harpies.

The 3 Skeletons stay here to keep the Harpies from returning. Later you will need the services of the Skeletons again

Open the Map and click on the circle of the Orchard and listen again to Argonus who tells about the heroic deed of the Skeletons

The Upper Skeleton is in the pond. Walk to the chief and click on him to hear what Calliope says about him

The other two skeletons are doing their rounds and you can also click those 2 to hear Calliope's comment.

 Argonus needs evidence to prove to Hera that he defeated the Harpies. What better evidence to show Hera than one of her Golden Apples from her orchard. So look for a bunch of golden apples in the trees and then right click on it to pick an apple

Not every green tree has apples, I found these apples in only 2 trees. So find the trees where the apples hang and then pick the apples. Each truss has 5 apples, so I could pick 5 apples in one tree and 2 apples in the other. In total I was able to pick 7 Apples. To avoid having to pick apples a few more times, you should now also pick as many apples as possible because you need several to fly with Pegasus

When you have picked as many Apples as possible, you return to Hera in her temple. Show Hera 1 of your Golden Apples and ....

... Hera is very pleased that Argonus has freed her Orchard from Zeus's Harpies.

Hera promises Argonus gold and fame as a reward, but she also has a surprise for him when he leaves the temple

Hera returns to her petrified state. Leave the temple and descend the stairs and ......

Automatticaly you turn to the left and ..... Well .... Hera's surprise comes flying ..... It is the white flying horse Pegasus

Pegasus land to the right of the temple stairs in the grass. Descend the stairs further down and turn left and run to Pegasus

Get the Hand on Pegasus and then give the horse 1 of your Golden Apples and .....

Pegasus eats the apple with taste and then nods his noble head and ..... You climb Pegasus and the animal flies away with you and ........

... A Loading follows and then .......

......Pegasus has delivered Argonus on the other side of the canyon

Pegasus will wait for you here. Open the Map (M key). You can see that the map is updated with the canyon and a piece of the area where you are now. Click on the map and then hold your mouse button and then scroll the map up so that you see the Domain of Hera all the way on the map. Find  Pegasus on the map and then click on it and you heard Argonus read again from his diary about Pegasus

Store the diary and map. Then follow the wide forest path forward and down.

Just past Pegasus, there is a petrified woman on the left side of the path. View her and listen to Calliope

Then follow the wide path further down and ...... You arrive at a crossroads of forest paths and this is the END of BOOK 1 The PLAAG. We continue in:

Book 2: The Burden of Thanatos: Part 1: Domain of Hades

2020: Walkthrough by: Louis Koot