2018: walkthrough by: Louis Koot

If you have found this walkthrough via google search or via another site then you have  probably not visited my site. 

A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

Chapter 5: the Kadish Tolesa Age

You have arrived in Kadish Tolesa on a clearing of a "forest" of very thick and very tall trees. Turn around. 

You now see that you are indeed standing in an clearing and right in front of a thick and tall tree. To the left and right of the tree you see a Broken Stone Gate. 

Now first go to the broken gate that's on the left side  of the tree, and then continue along the path between the trees. 

The path then turns right and ends at a gate where a few stone steps go up.

Go through the gate and then STOP. Go in 3rd person if you were not already.

Part 1: The Clock Puzzle: 

The 1st round room:

You are in a large circular room on a stone path and in the middle of it you see a large "Gazebo". Turn right. You then see that the path, on which you are standing on, is broken. The path runs all the way around the walls of the room and at the walls you can also see pillars. Those pillars are the pillars of broken arches.

Follow the stone path now further to the left. You then reach the Stone Staircase that goes up to the "Gazebo".  Ignore the stairs now and follow the path further to the end behind the "Gazebo". Be careful because the path narrows. Make sure you do not fall into the depth. Behind the Gazebo you are on the other side of the gorge in the path, to the left of the gate through which you entered. The last piece of the tile path is also wider here

Walk through a little further and then turn around and .......On the back of the last pillar, which is here against the wall, you see the 1st "Journey Cloth" of this Age, so go touch it to save your progress

Then go back to the Stone Staircase and now climb up the stairs to the Gazebo. Go to the center of the gazebo.

On the left is the first of the 3 Clock Control Machines and on the right is a Linking Book on a stone.

Because you have no idea what to do with that Click Control Machine, you should first go to that Linking Book.

Click on the book to get it open in your screen and then click on the picture and you will travel to the

Kadish Gallery:

Upon arrival you stand in a large hall and you look at two curved stairs going up. You can go up those stairs, but the upstairs is not accessible, so leave it. Just turn around to view the room. The Link photo to this room is now stored in the Linking Book which is in Slot 7 of the left bookcase in Relto.

In the middle of the room there is a round podium and on it sit the Linking Book to return to the Gazebo in the 1st Round Room. On the walls, left and right, there are 4 "Paintings" between the pillars,  2 paintings  on the left wall and two paintings on the right wall. Behind the round stage you can see something moving at the back wall. Here in this room you can find various clues and hints that relate to some of the puzzles that you have to solve in this Age. I advise you to make sketches of everything or to make screenshots of the 4 "paintings" via your "Print Screen" button.

Clues for the safe door puzzle

Now walk first to the back wall. Against the back wall there are 6 small pillars and on top of each pillar there is a Spinning Cube.

 On the pillars you see the D'ni numbers, from left to right, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Each of the 6 Rotating Cubes has 3 sides and on each side of a cube you see an image. 

Make a sketch of these 6 Revolving Cubes. Do this in the right order from left to right and give each cube the correct D'ni number on your sketch. 

So on every Cube you see 3 images. When you're done, turn left and go to Wall painting in the corner.

Clues for the Pillars puzzle in the 2nd Round Hall

This "painting" has a large rotating Circle on which, in the edge, you see a bunch of D'ni numbers. You also see 4 hanging pillars.

 Also try to draw this painting or make a picture of it.

Turn around and go to the other wall. In the corner, so right next to the 6 Spinning Cubes, hangs a "Painting" on which you see a colored Circle.

Clue for the Floor Puzzle in the 1st Round Hall

Go see that painting well. In the outer edge of the circle you see, on the left, 5 small circles. 2 circles are blue and 3 are white.

To the right in the outer edge you see a red square. In the middle of the circle you see a yellowish path.

Clue for the Clock Puzzle

Go to the next "Painting". This has 3 large Circles above each other. In every circle you see that there is a small segment WHITE.

This "painting" gives you the solution for the 3 Clock Control Machines. So try to draw the 3 circles or make a picture of it.

When you have looked at everything and made drawings of it, then go to the middle of the round stage

.Click on the Linking Book and then on the photo to return to the Gazebo in the 1st Round Room.

The Clock Puzzle:

1st Round Room: Clock 1:

Now walk to the Clock Control Mechanism. The Mechanism is a big Metal Circle and it hangs in a metal frame. There is a viewer in front of the mechanism. 

Click on the yellow "eye" and you look at the Round Mechanism through the viewer. 

Well, it's getting complicated now. You see a large CIRCLE and it has a Golden Edge. At the bottom of the Outer Golden Edge you see 3 White Buttons, witch you don't touch now.  Inside the Golden Edge there are a number of Circles that you can rotate with the 3 white buttons. 

This 1st Clock Control Mechanism should now be set exactly as you saw on the UPPER CIRCLE of the "painting" with the 3 Circles, that you saw in the Kadish Gallery  ....... So you have to set the White Segment well 

The Left White Button is for the outer ring. The Middle White button is for the Middle Ring and the Right White Button is for the Right Ring. Assuming that you have not clicked on any of the three white buttons, you now do the following: 

  • Click 4 times on the Left button. 

  • Then click the Center Button once. 

  • Click on the Right Button 5 times. 

It should look like this now

The Circle now exactly matches the Upper Circle on the painting. 

NB: Did you click the white buttons on your own accord then my solution will not work for you...you have to find your own solution then

Step back to leave the puzzle and go back down the stone staircase .

 Follow the stone path back to the gate and go through it and then follow the forest path back to the point where you entered this Age the first time.

 Follow the path further, to the right of the tree, to the Broken gate and then follow the path as it winds through the forest. 

You walk through some water and you go through a round Gate and then you come to a left / Right exit. 

Go to the left and then under the Round Metal Clock 2 and up the stairs and you are in the:

 2nd Round Room: Clock 2 

Above the stairs you stand again at a kind of "gazebo". Go to the right around the corner and then turn to the "gazebo". 

On the concrete wall is your 2nd "Journey Cloth", so go touch it to save your progress. 

Then walk left around the "gazebo". On the left is the stone staircase that goes up into the gazebo. Do not go up the stairs and into  the gazebo yet. Behind the stairs you see a big hole in the wall. There is a large gray stone in front of the hole in the wall. A Stone Linking Tablet is located in the wall hole. 

Climb onto the gray stone and then click on the Stone Linking Tablet to get it into your screen. 

Click on the linking photo and you will travel to ........ Your 3rd Balcony with a view over the D'ni city. 

Treat yourself with  a glimpse of the illuminated city. This is another balcony than the one you were previously on. This is also a "Dead End", but this balcony becomes important in "The Path of the Shell" and the link  to this balcony is now stored in the Linking Book that is in slot 7 of your left bookcase in Relto. To return to Kadish Tolesa you now open your Relto Book and link back to your house in Relto where you pick up the Kadish Tolesa Book from your bookcase again. Click in the book on the "Journey Cloth" to return to the 2nd Round Room, at the 2nd "Journey Cloth". Go back to the left side of the gazebo and climb up the stone stairs and enter the gazebo. Here is the second Clock Control Mechanism. 

Click again on the yellow "eye" of the viewer and you are back in the round Mechanism screen. 

You have to set this as you have seen on the middle Circle of the 3 Circles painting, in the Kadish Gallery.

 Assuming you have not clicked on any of the 3 white buttons you just click now .... 3 times on the right Button.

That's it ....... Step back

The 3rd Clock:

Go back down the stairs and walk back and leave this room through the clock gate through which you entered. Walk to the intersection in the path. You came from the right. Right in front of you, you can already see the 3rd Clock Control Mechanism. This third mechanism is at the front of a large clearing. The Clock is located at the very end of this clearing. Behind the clock it becomes narrow and there is a stone wall that blocks further passage. 

Go to the mechanism and click on the yellow "eye" once you are there. 

You are back in the round mechanism screen and this time you have to set it as you saw on the bottom circle on the 3 circles painting. 

Again assuming you have not clicked any of the 3 buttons, click : 3 times on the Left Button.7 times on the Center Button.3 times on the Right Button ......

....... you see that the wall, behind the clock, rotates. There is now a doorway in the wall. Go ahead and you're in the Small Round Room.

 Go out again through the other doorway and immediately turn left. On the wall you see a small Blue Button. 

Go to the button and click on it and .... the round room rotates again and the doorway is now near the blue button. Turn left and go back into the Small Round Room. The doorway to the clearing with the clock puzzle is now closed, but in the doorway you now see your  3rd "Journey Cloth" ...touch it to save your progress until here

Turn around and go back to the hallway through the doorway. Follow the short corridor and go through the next gate.

 You are standing on a balcony, high up in the 1st Round Hall. Walk against the fence and look down at the floor of the hall 

Part 2: Beyond the Clock Puzzle: 

The 1st Round Hall: The Floor Puzzle: 

You see lines on the floor of the hall and those lines divide the floor into segments. A path goes all the way down along the round wall of the hall. Follow this path down and make sure you do not get dizzy. When you are almost down, the path becomes flat and then continues flat and goes down a stone staircase to the round floor of the hall. In the last flat part of the path there are 6 small Balconies. 

The first balcony is empty but on the other 5 balconies there is a Blue Button on top of the pole in the fence. 

First go passed all the 6 balconies, and then go down the stairs to the floor of the hall. Turn right and stay still......Look over the floor.....it's a large round floor and on the other side you see a Wooden Door, under the first balcony. You also see that the floor has a wide outer edge and you see that those lines on the floor are curved grooves that divide the floor into all sorts of segments. Right in the middle of the floor is the Center Circle and you have to go there via a certain route. 

So there are 6 balconies and 5 of the balconies have a Blue Button. Number 5 balconies then as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 where Balcony 5 is the balcony at the stairs to the floor. You now have to solve the Floor Puzzle and for this you need the drawing or screenshot of the Kadish Gallery "painting"....On that painting you see the center circle, with on the left the 3 white and 2 blue circles, and on the right side the small Red Square while in the middle of the circle a white path goes

Those 3 white and 2 blue circles on that "painting", are the 5 balconies that have a blue button. The red square is the starting position in the floor. Now do the following: ......

Walk back up the stairs and go to Balcony 2 and press the blue button once and ....... In the floor of the hall a number of segments become white, but not the middle circle. 

Go to Balcony 3 and also press the blue button once and ..... In the floor more segments become  white, but not the middle circle 

Go to balcony 5 and also press the Blue Button once and .... more floor segments will turn white, but not the middle circle. 

Walk down the stairs to the floor again. Stay on the outer edge of the floor. What you have to do now is to find the segment on the floor which is the little Red Square on the "painting". If you look closely at the drawing or screenshot of that "painting", you will see that the little Red Square is directly opposite Balcony 2. 

Walk over the outer edge of the floor to the right until you are right in front of balcony 2. Then turn around so that you look at the balconies. Right before your feet you will see, between the white segments, a DARK PAD and this Dark Path will go to the Middle Circle in the round floor. 

BEWARE .... you may not walk over on the white floor segments because then the puzzle reset and you do not get it done. 

So......follow the Dark Path to the Middle Circle and be careful not to touch any of the white segments .

 As soon as you get to the Middle Circle it sinks and also the rest of the path sinks into the floor..... 

NB: If the middle circle and the rest do not sink into the floor  then you have not walked the right path. It may be that you have pressed the wrong blue buttons or that you have started from the wrong position to follow the dark path. It is also possible that you have stepped onto a white floor segment on the way. You will have to start all over again by first turning off all the white segments of the floor by pressing the blue buttons of the balconies again

When you have successfully reached the center circle , a deep groove is created in which you then go down and then you go through the lower gate. 

On the other side of the Gate you go up the Round Steps.  When your up there is a Blue Button in the wall but don't touch it

Restrain your tendency to click this blue button because this is a Reset button ..... If you click this blue button then you reset the floor puzzle and then, when you have to start again from the 3rd "Journey Cloth",  you will have to do the Floor Puzzle again. So do not touch this Blue Button here. 

Now just follow the with path as it winds through the "forest" from here. The path then goes to the right and you end at a gate. 

Go down the wide round staircase in the gate and you will come to a larger area, at the lake

Follow the wide bank to the left...you'll see a narrower stone staircase going up through a round gate. Straight ahead is a deep and wide gorge in the path. Walk close up to the gorge. If you now look sharply at the rock wall on the other side of the gorge, you will see something glittering on the ground near the rock wall. It is a Relto page that lies there ....... Find the most narrow part of the gorge......it  is close to the lake. Then do a Running Jump over the gorge to the other side and pick up that Relto Page

This Relto page ensures that the small pine trees, standing in front and around your house in Relto, grow taller but that only happens if you can also find the Rain Page because to be able to grow trees need water. After you have pasted the Relto Page into your Relto Book, turn around and walk back to the gap. Jump back over the gap and then turn clockwise to the round gate with the staircase 

NB: If you fall down the gorge, you will be brought back to Relto. Then pull your Kadish Tolesa book out of the bookcase and click the "Journey Cloth" and you will return to Kadish Tolesa at the 3rd "Journey Cloth" in the small round room. Follow the route through the Round Hall back to the round floor and walk over the Outer Edge along the wall to the right and jump into the hole of the Dark Path and follow the route through the forest back to the lake. Then try jumping over the gap or forget the Relto page. If you had previously pressed that one Blue Button, at the beginning of the forest path, then you will also have to solve the Floor Puzzle again because that puzzle has reset itself

The round gate brings you at: 

Part 3: The Pyramid:

Don't enter  the pyramid just yet but first walk to the right along the front of the pyramid and at the corner you turn left and walk to the middle of the right side of the pyramid. In the right side wall of the pyramid is a deep niche. Enter this niche. On the left wall of the niche you will find the 4th "Journey Cloth", touch it  to save your progress up to here in your Kadish Tolesa Linking Book. 

Go back to the front of the Pyramid and enter the Pyramid now. You have walked up the 1st stairs and you are standing on a semi-circular balcony with the upper stairs in front of you. Left and right from the upper stairs are the two narrow passages to the Great Round Hall.

Go up the top stairs. You then are on a small balcony above the floor of the Great Hall. On the pillar there is a Blue Button.....Yes you may press this button now, so..... Press the Blue Button and see what happens...... The lamps in the large circular hall are now switched on and the floor tiles in the round floor are now illuminated in white. On the floor tiles you can see various types of drawings, most of which look like mushrooms. 

The Floor Tile Puzzle: 

It's a frustrating son of a bitch kind of puzzle, so stay calm.....

Turn around and walk back down the stairs and now enter the hall via the left or right passage next to the stairs. Do not step on the floor tiles ..... 

Stay on the outer edge of the floor and walk around the edge a whole circle through the hall and listen carefully to the sounds ..... 

As you walk across the Outer Edge of the floor you will suddenly hear a "Buzzing Sound". As soon as you hear this buzzing sound, go back to the balcony above the floor, but stay off the tiles,  and press the Blue Button again. Now the tiled floor is illuminated BLUE and you see  the images on each floor tiles more clearly. 

NB: if the tiles on the floor do not turn blue when you press the blue for the 2nd time, it means that the "Buzzing Sound" has not yet happened so you have to walk the outer edge of the floor again and again and again....until you hear the "Buzzing Sound". I know.....you can get absolutely stir crazy from this puzzle.....but it gets even worse

There are several images on the tiles of the floor. Try to recognize the "Mushroom Tiles" because you have to walk a certain route over 10 of the Mushroom Tiles. Go back down the stairs and now take the passage on the right side of the stairs to the tiled floor.......and STAY again on the Outer Edge. You are now right at the front of the room with the Balcony on your left. 

What must you do......... You now have to follow a certain route over the tile floor, the "Mushrooms route". You may only walk over the tiles on which a Mushroom is depicted. If you follow the right route then you end up on the last, the 10th, mushroom tile, and this tile will take you down to the Cave tunnel. It is difficult to tell you the correct tile sequence on witch you have to walk. That is why, from the balcony with the blue button, I made a screenshot on which you can see the right route. 

The right route over the "Mushroom" tiles. 

So you start on Tile 1, right of the Balcony and you walk route over the floor through the tiles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I ka

I can not help you further with screenshots here because of the different camera positions and the annoying switching between 1st person and 3rd person, it is virtually impossible to show your position on the floor. So you start on Tile 1, as you can see on this screenshot

Use the screenshot, on which you see all 10 tiles, as a help to orientate you as you move across the floor.....I can't do more for you here.  

When you end up on tile 10 then you hear a "Click" sound and you sink down with tile 10. Tile 10 is a lift and it will take you down

 As soon as the tile 10 has landed on the bottom of the shaft you step down quickly and walk through the gate into the tunnel. 

NB: If you wait too long  with stepping of the lift tile then the tile will bring you up again. If this happen just stay on the tile because  Tile 10 now constantly goes up and down through the shaft and it will just bring you down again. 

In the tunnel you see a Blue Button again......

don't touch it because when you do touch it  the floor tile puzzle will reset and you will have to do this again if you unexpectedly have to start again from the 4th "Journey Cloth"

Walk through the tunnel to the large gate at the back. Just before the gate hangs your 5th "Journey Cloth"  on the right wall of the tunnel......go touch it

Then walk on and through the gate and you are in the 

High Round Pillar Hall: 

The Pillar Puzzle 

You are in a round hall and there is only a half of a floor because the rear half of the floor is not there, but you see 4 "tiles" coming out of the deep hole. Take a good look around. In the round wall of the hall you see 4 Niches. If you look up, you will see a Counterweight hanging at the top of each Niche. You also see 4 smaller weights hanging in the hall. On the left you see a stage with 4 levers  and past these 4 levers is a deep Nice. 

Those tiles that form a path in the middle of the hall are actually  4 very high pillars that you have to raise. 

Each pillar corresponds to 1 of the 4 counterweights in the 4 wall niches and 1 of the 4 levers. Now go up the stage  with the 4 levers and stand behind the levers while facing them

  To the right of the levers is a Blue Button. Number the 4 levers now, from left to right, as 1, 2, 3, 4. The Blue Button is the Reset button. With the 4 levers you can make the 4 pillars rise up out of the pit. 

  • Click 4 times on Lever 4. After each click, pillar 4 goes up. 
  • Click 3 times on Lever 3. After each click, pillar 3 goes up.
  •   Click once on Lever 2. After each click goes pillar 2 further up

The 3 rear pillars, in the middle of the hall, have now risen and are now a "stairs". There is a ladder on each pillar. Go to the pillars and climb up the front  one via the ladder, then climb onto the second and then onto the third pillar. 

Right on top of the rear pillar you walk up the stairs to your 6th "Journey Cloth".

Touch the "Journey Cloth" to save your progress

Descend the stairs to the left and at the bottom of the stairs you will see a solid stone door, but n the right side there is a lever in the wall. Click the Lever and the stone door slides open. 

Go through door and go back to behind the 4 levers. Click the Blue Button to lower the 3 pillars back down and to reset the levers 

You now have to raise the 4 pillars again and then the second pillar has to go all the way up. How do you find out how many times you now have to click on each of the 4 levers? For this you need the "painting" with the revolving ring that you saw in the Kadish Gallery. 

On this "painting" you see that in the outer edge of the circle D'ni numbers are listed. Those D'ni numbers  are Red, White, Green or Blue 

In the middle of the "painting" you see the 4 pillars: Red, White, Green, Blue. The D'ni numbers in the outer ring are linked to these 4 pillars, the Red number is linked to the Red Pillar, the White number is linked to the White Pillar, the Green number is linked to the Green Pillar and the Blue number is linked to the Blue Pillar. So...... The Red Pillar is Lever 1, the White Pillar is lever 2, the Green Pillar is Lever 3 and the Blue Pillar is Lever 4.

 If you look closely at the D'ni numbers in the outer ring then you will notice that the highest number is always 4. What you have to do now is to determine, for each of the 4 colors, which number, 1, 2, 3 or 4, there is no presence in the outer edge  For Red, this is the number 1, for White it is the number is 4, for Green it is the number is 1, for Blue it is the number is 2. These missing numbers are then the NUMBER OF TIMES that  you now have to click on the relevant Lever. 

So, now click in this order again on the 4 levers: 

  • 1 time on lever 1
  • 4 times on lever 2
  • 1 times on lever 3
  • 2 times on lever 4 ...... and ....... 

You now get a side view over the 4 pillars that are going up and then the Camera will rotate and you will see a number of Stone Rings descending above the second Pillar. 

Go back to the pillars and climb on the front and then up to the second, the highest, pillar. 

Climb up the Ladder in the Metal Rings and .........

.....on top you walk through the Gate. 

Stay away from the Blue Button in the gate because if you press it the Pillars will go down again and then your way back will be impossible.

Follow the tunnel to the exit and ........ you enter a huge CAVE and here hangs the enormous Vault, where the sons of Atrus have stored the spoils of all their looting.

Part 4: The Vault: 

Follow the path to the left, but be careful because it is only a narrow path and it is easy to fall down into the depths. If you fall down then you will of course be back in Relto .Then pull the Kadish Tolesa Linking Book from the bookcase and link back to the 6 "Journey Cloth"

Climb up the stairs to the plateau underneath the Vault.

On the plateau is the Control Panel with which you have to open up the door of the Vault. When you are standing in the middle of the plateau, first turn right ... so that you look at the right edge of the plateau. If you move a bit with the camera, you'll see .....  the "Journey Door" to the Bahro Cave, on the other side of the cave and deep under you, ... 

That "Journey Door" we will soon reach .... First we have to enter the Vault ....... 

The Vault Door Puzzle: 

Walk to the Panel and click on it to get in the close-up. At the bottom of the console you see 6 yellow buttons. On the leftmost yellow button is the D'ni number 1. You see that each of the 6 buttons is connected to a group of 4 symbols. To open the Vault Door you have to press these 6 yellow buttons in a certain order. Number the 6 yellow buttons from left to right as , A, B, C, D, E, F

What is the order in which you have to press the 6 yellow buttons? 

To be able to determine that you need the images of those 6 rotating cubes that are on the 6 pillars in the Kadish Gallery. You know that every rotating cube has 3 images. 

It is again a matter of finding the MISSING D'ni numbers and then just omitting them. You have to find out what number is missing in the 6 groups of 4 symbols above each of the 6 buttons. That number then determines the position of the button in the order in which you have to press the 6 buttons. The 4 symbols above each of the 6 yellow buttons are also visible on the rotating cubes. 

Now, for each group of 4 symbols on the console, determine which symbol of which cube does NOT exist in that group. Remember, every cube has 3 images. I'm going to explain it all below, but if you're not interested in an explanation, or simply have no patience to read it, you can scroll straight to the Solution. 

  • Above button 1 you'll see the symbols of the cubes on the console: 2, 3, 4, 6.
  • Above button 2 you see on the console the symbols of the cubes: 4, 5, 6, and 6
  • Above button 3 you see on the console the symbols of the cubes: 2, 5, 6 and 6. 
  • Above button 4 you see on the console the symbols of the cubes: 1, 2, 3, 6. 
  • Above button 5 you see on the console the symbols of the cubes: 1, 3, 4 and 5. 
  • Above button 6 you see the symbols of the cubes: 2, 3, 4 and 5. 

So which numbers are not represented in the groups above the buttons? 

  • Button 1 misses the numbers: 2 and 5. 
  • Button 2 misses the numbers: 1, 2 and 3. 
  • Button 3 misses the numbers: 1, 3 and 4. 
  • Button 4 misses the numbers: 4 and 5.
  • Button 5 misses the numbers: 2 and 6. 
  • Button 6 misses the numbers: 1 and 6.

As you can see button 1 has the D'ni number 1. This means that button 1 has to be pressed first, so you can now remove the number 1 from your list of missing numbers. Then you come to the following list:

  • Button 2 misses the numbers 2 and 3. 
  • Button 3 misses the numbers 3 and 4. 
  • Button 4 misses the numbers  4 and 5. 
  • Button 5 misses the numbers 2 and 6. 
  • Button 6 misses the number 6. 

Button 6 is now the only button with only 1 missing  number and this number happens to be another 6. So Button 6 is the last button to press. You can now strip the 6 a way from the list at the other buttons. You keep the following list:

  • Button 2 is missing the numbers 2 and 3. 
  • Button 4 is missing the numbers  3 and 4. 
  • Button 4 is missing the numbers 4 and 5. 
  • Button 5 is missing number 2. 

Now button 5 is the button with 1 missing number and that number is 2. So button 5 is the Second button that you have to press. Again you now cross out the 2 on the other buttons. You're new list will be

  • Button 2 still misses 3. 
  • Button 3 still missing 3 and 4. 
  • Button 4 still missing 4 and 5. 

Now button 2 is the button with only 1 missing number and that number is 3. So Button 2 is the 3rd button in the row. The list now becomes: 

  • Button 3 is still missing 4. 
  • Button 4 is missing 4 and 5. 

Now button 3 is the button with only 1 missing number and that number is 4. Button 3 has to be pressed as 4th in the row pressed. Strike 4 away at button 4 and you know that button 4 is the 5th button in the row. 


You have now found out that the correct order in which you now have to press the 6 yellow buttons of the console is:

 A, E, B, C, D, F. 

So do this ....and ..... The Vault Doors goes open. 

Turn left and walk to the last staircase and climb it now and .......

....enter the Vault through the now open doors ................. 

Walk down to the floor of the vault.  

The vault is crammed with Gold and with boxes full of money, precious carpets and other valuables. On a chest, in front of the stairs, there is a Linking Book to the Kadish Gallery. DO NOT use it. Next to the linking book lies a Skeleton on the floor and just before the feet of the skeleton lies a note on the floor.

 Click on the note to get it in your screen. However, you can not read the note. Look up at the back wall.

 Behind the enormous pile of boxes, you'll see he 7th "Journey Cloth" on the back wall. 

Well ......... you have to climb over the crates to get to the 7th "Journey Cloth". You have to climb up / jump through the right side of the stack of crates. I know, climbing on crates and stuff is particularly difficult in this game. You have to stand right in front of crates and then run and simultaneously click your jump button. Perhaps these screenshots can help you .... 

Climb / jump all the way up over the crates and then into the archway

Then  climb / jump, through box 1, on top of box 2 and then you activate the 7th "Journey Cloth" ... 

When you have activated the 7th "Journey Cloth" then climb / jump back down to the floor and go up the stairs again to leave the Vault again. 

Go back to the platform where the Control Panel is on.

 Now go in  the 3rd person if you were not already. Go stand with your back to the console and then turn slightly counter clockwise. Walk to the edge of the plateau, just about where the protruding point of the plateau begins ......Do this very carefully, so do not run .... Be very careful that you're not fall into the  depths. If you are standing at the right spot on the edge, the camera "tilts" and shows you the "Journey Door" to the Bahro Cave. Make sure you are standing right above the tube that goes over the abyss to the other side

then step over the edge and..... you will end up on the TUBE .... Walk carefully over the tube to the other side and then jump down to the "Journey Door". 

Open the Journey Door by clicking on the Hand again and then enter the pitch Dark Tunnel again. ........

You enter for  the third time into the: 

Bahro Cave

You are now on the Kadish Tolesa "balcony" in the cave and you will hear Yeesha again. Listen to her again until the "Male on the wall" has become dark again. Then click on the "Hand in the Wall" to send the Kadish Tolesa Totem Pole to your garden in Relto.

 Dive into the Deep Nothingness  again and .......... you will arrive at your Garden in Relto again. You see the Kadish Tolesa Totem Pole on the 4th pillar and this squeezes the 4th pillar into the ground.

 Enter your house and go to the left bookcase and pull out the Red Book, that's in slot 5, out of it. This is the Eder / Kemo Linking Book. 

Click on the picture to end up in:

Chapter 6: Eder Kemo / Eder Gira.

2013: Original Dutch Walkthrough by: Louis Koot

2018: This English translation by: Louis Koot