2018: Walkthrough by: Dick Leeuw and Louis Koot

Text by Dick Leeuw and screenshots by Louis Koot

If you have found this walkthrough via google search or via another site then you have  probably not visited my site. 

A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

Chapter 10: New area: The Summit:  


Walk up the stairs to the telescope to the side of the eyepiece.

Select the torch holder for crystals and then click on the holder behind the lens. 

Then select the green crystal and then click on the holder to put the green crystal in it.  

The telescope now emits a green light beam. Turn the telescope to the rock, on the right side of the passage to the Main Square. 

There you have previously burned the red flag, somewhat above  that burned flag and to the right of that spot you see a green crystal again.

 Aim the light beam on that green crystal.  

Zoom out of the telescope and then click on the Hand plate of the crystal and.......  

You are flown to the other side. Turn to your right from the crystal to see a staircase going up.  

Follow the stairs and the path, you will now enter a new area:

The Summit.  

Go to the table and read the book that's on the table

Turn to the left and you will see an iron cabinet there. Walk towards it  

You will now again see a cut scene from the light spirit and she now tells you that her name is Gamana.  

When you have control again you walk to the iron cupboard. It turns out to be 2 iron cupboards and also a low round light box.  

You cannot open the large cupboard because in front of it grows a sturdy weed plant, you need a pesticide to get rid of this weed.  You have to go to the chemistry lab to make that presticide but you have to do something else here first. Turn to the right and walk in the direction of the tower, walk to the edge of the rocky point.  

Turn to the right and at the end of the cable you will see another round marker disc with a blue light next to it.  

Select your transmitter stick and point it at that marker disc and then left click and the disc will open.  

You cannot do anything else here now, you first need the pesticide. So on to the alchemy lab.

Turn around and walk back to the green crystal, click on the hand again and fly back to the telescope.  

Take back the green crystal teleporter. Leave the holder on the telescope


Set the cannon on the marker disc at The Summit.

Go to Mechanics. You must enter Mechanics on the Hanging Platform side.  Go up the spiral staircase, 

You are now going to aim the cannon on the marker disc at the Summit.  

You can check on the drawing how many degrees you have to rotate the cannon, but you can also just look out of the "window" until you have the central tower in view. Move the cannon to the left of the tower and there you see the marker disc at The Summit. Turn the cannon close to the marker on the summit and zoom in to see which pattern is on the disc 

You must set the lenses of the cannon again to transmit the correct pattern. Turn to the cannon and click on the white handle. The rack with lenses will come down again. You can now put the lens found on the Swamp Island in slot D but it is not necessary because you can also make the pattern of the Summit marker disc with the lenses A, B, C. But I have put that lens in slot D  

Put the lenses A, B, C, E,  F Up, leave lens D down. Turn the lenses A, B, C until you have made  the pattern of the Summit marker in screen G

If the lenses are in the right position and you have the right pattern in G, then click on the white handle again to put the rack with lenses back into the cannon

Turn around to the control panel and now put the beam of the cannon exactly on the marker disc

You will see a flash of light again. A new area has been activated 

For this moment you're done here, you're going to the Alchemy lab now to brew that pesticide. 

Go down and walk over the wooden walkway to the hanging platform.

Brew the weed killing mix:  

When you are just through the gate of the Hanging Platform look at the top of the rock, there you see another blue marker. Select your transmitter stick and point it at that blue marker and then left click. You hear some noise and a moment later a round disc slides up a pole and opens up. Another pattern, you will come back to this later because you first have to find another lens  

Alchemy Lab, Garden and Watchtower

Go over the drawbridge to the lab and go to the cooking pot. To the left of the pot is a stand on the ground

There you previously had to put the red crystal to light the fire. Now select your green crystal teleporter and click on the stand to place it there

Make sure that the green beam is directed upward. Click on the hand and you will be transported upwards.  

Take a look around, there is lots to see. 

You see a low table with a blue and a red crystal on it, there is also an open book. There is also another letter here, read this.  

To the left of the letter is another quarter of a round disc. Take this quarter piece.  You now have 2 of those pieces but you still need 2 more. 

The book contains a number of recipes, only which ones do you need?  

Slightly more to the left you see a little side path, on the right-hand side of the wall you see drawings of plants. 

These are the plants you need to make the weed killing potion

To the left of the table is a bronze tube device with a button on the front, this is an inverter. Close by there are a few smaller tubes, a similar tube is still in your inventory. This is the recipe for plants to bloom again. Now you need the reverse mix to let a plant wither. Select the tube in your inventory, it may be that it is still unrolled but that's no problem you simply click your tube on top of the device. 

Then  press the button on the front.   The whole device starts shaking, wait until this stops and then take the tuberole back. 

View the role in your inventory.

Pull the paper out again and you will see a recipe, it is the other way around. It is now a recipe to let plants wither.  

You now have everything done here. Go to the teleporter an press the hand again and you go back down to the cooking pot. 

Back down at the cooking pot take back your green crystal (teleporter) right away....you need it again for the telescope to teleport to the Summit.  You are now going to brew the weed killing potion you need. Look on the roll in the tube. The first ingredient you have to make, but the rest you can already throw in the pot.  Turn to the 4 large glass bottles. Select your measuring tube and place it in the holder of the left bottle (Terv), click on the tap and your tube will be filled. Take back the tube and empty it into the cooking pot. Now select your measuring spoon and go to the table with the powers. Grab a spoon of green powder an throw this in the cooking pot. Then grab 2x a spoonful of gray powder and throw each spoon separately into the cooking pot.  

There are 2 more ingredients on the recipe, 1 you have to make now and the other is sand and that's in the left hut of the watchtower.. You are now going to make 1 x Xoev, the recipe is in the book. It is the second from the left. Now go to the flower press, in the backroom of the garden. Select your measuring tube and then click on the holder under the press to place your tube in the holder  

Select your Flower Cutter and goback through the curtain and then go left, to the cupboard with 4 plants.  

In this cupboard are 4 plants. With your Flower Cutter click 1x on the green flowers on the left.  

Walk back to the flower press and throw the green flowers at the bottom of the press and then click on the handle. Go back to the cupboard and now cut 1x a purple flower now and put this in the flower press and click the handle again.Back to the cupboard, on the right is a piece of tree with a few orange / yellow flowers on it. Of these you need 2, so 2x to the cupboard and back, after each flower click on the handle to press. You're done with that cupboard but you need 2 more flowers, these are on the other side of the garden. When you come through the curtain you go right, there you see yellow flowers. Put 1 x yellow flowerin the press and click on the handle. Then go back and find the White Flowers and g get 1 x white flower and put it in the press also and......... 

........Click on the handle of the press and your potion is ready. Grab your filled measuring tube back  

You need one more ingredient, on the recipe you will see a symbol behind this ingredient. This is the symbol of the Watchtower hut with the scale.  Leave the garden and walk past the lab to the drawbridge and via the Main Square to the Watchtower. Enter the left hut and select your measuring spoon and then click on the tray with sand to fill your spoon with sand.

Back to the Alchemy lab, via the drawbridge,  and empty your spoon with sand in the cooking pot. Then select your tube with the weed killing mix and throw it also into the cooking pot. Then place the filling can under the slider. Then pull the slide of the pump and you can gets filled with the weed killing mix   Grab your filled can. . 

You now have a pesticide and you are now going to use it at The Summit. If you have not done it yet, grab your green teleporter crystal back from the stand of the cooking pot now.  Walk back to the telescope in the Watchtower. If you didn't messed with the telescope earlier that it still points to the teleporter on the Summit. If this is not the case then you first have to go back to Mechanics to point the telescope on that Summit teleporter again. If you have previously also took the torch holder back from the telescope then you need to put it back on the telescope. Then place the green teleporter in the holder of the telescope. Click on the hand and you fly to the Summit again

Electrical cabinet puzzle 2

Follow the path up and go to the iron cupboards.  

In the pot of the plant in front of the iron cupboard is a funnel, select your filling can ​​and then click on the funnel.  

The weed killing mix does its thing and you see the plant withering and falling down as dust

You can now open the cupboard so click on the white button in the middle.  

The cupboard opens and you see another electric puzzle in it..  You do not only have to make a path from top left to bottom right (white) but also a path from bottom left to top right (orange).  It is not that difficult, you do not have many choices, but if you find it too difficult, here is the solution. So make a white connection from A to B and a yellow connection from C to D

The low round light box lights up and the small iron box slides open, inside you will find another lens.   

Take the Lens, you need it in the cannon

Walk back to the teleporter and click on the hand.  

You are back at the telescope again. Take the torch holder and the green teleporter and go to Mechanics and up the spiral stairs to the light cannon.

  Chapter 11: Lower the Central Tower:

2018: Walkthrough by: Dick Leeuw and Louis Koot

Text by Dick Leeuw and screenshots by Louis Koot