2021:Walkthrough by:  Dick Leeuw and  Louis Koot

If you have found this walkthrough via google search or via another site then you have  probably not visited my site. 

A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

This walkthrough is made while playing this game on NORMAL DIFFICULTY.

 If you play the game on HARD Difficulty then the story is the same but the puzzles and solutions are different

Part 3: Amia part 2

The Towers

The elevator has delivered Amia to an area with 5 tall towers. Get out of the elevator and first take a look around you.  Behind the elevator you can score a postcard via a whirlwind. There are 5 towers and in each tower there is an elevator that you can use to go up and down the towers. In the screenshot we have numbered the 5 towers, from left to right, as L, B, C, R and F and the floors in the towers, from bottom to top, as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Tower L is the tallest tower and the other 4 towers are 1 floor lower than tower L. The 5 towers are interconnected by rails over which you can go to the other tower with cabins. On top of Tower C is a capsule and Amia has to go to that capsule and then fly away with it to the next level.

From Amia's starting point follow the path to Tower F. About halfway through the path to tower F you can cross the bridge to Tower L but don't do that yet. 

Continue to Tower F. At Tower L there is another tablet on which you can read part of the story again

Enter Tower F. You are then on floor 0 of the tower. Get in the elevator and.......

.....push the top elevator button to get up to the top floor of Tower F

On the top floor of Tower F  you will find a puzzle, it is a circle of buttons around a hemisphere, All 5 towers has this kind of puzzle

Step out the elevator and go to the puzzle and click on it to activate it. You have to click on all the buttons to find out which ones light up.

You then have to click on all buttons that give light, then the hemisphere will go open. Here's the solution

Get back in the elevator and go back down, so to floor 0, you're done with Tower F.

Follow the path from Tower F back to the bridge and now cross over the bridge to Tower L. 

 You have a brief encounter with Bogard on the bridge but he isn't realy here. 

At the base of Tower L you can use the tablet to read the next bit of the story. Take the elevator in Tower L up to the top floor and go the puzzle

Activate the puzzle and then click all buttons to see witch ones light up and then only click those buttons again. This screenshot shows you the solution

Get back in the elevator and take it 1 floor lower, so to floor 3 of Tower L,  On floor 3 you can take the cabin to the central Tower C. 

 So step out the elevator and get into the cabin and this cabin takes you to floor 2 of Tower C. 

Get out of the cabin and then step into the cabin on the left, witch will take you to floor 1 of tower B. 

Get in the elevator of Tower B and take it up to the top floor and there is the 3th hemisphere puzzle 

Well, again click all the buttons to see witch ones lights up and then only click those buttons again. Here is the solution.

Go down 1 floor and step into the cabin, witch will take you to floor 3 of tower C.

 Get out of the cabin and go left into the next cabin witch will take you to floor 3 of Tower R

Tower R. Get out of the cabin and go to the puzzle that's on the right side of the elevator..

Again solve this 4th hemisphere puzze, as in this screenshot and......

You have now done all 4 puzzles in these towers, so now Amia must go to the capsule that's on top of Tower C.

Get in the elevator and go down to floor 1 of tower R and then get into the cabin and it will take you to floor 1 of tower C.

Tower C:  

Get in the elevator and you now have few options, press the bottom button and when the elevator has stopped press button 3 and when the elevator has stopped again you press button 4.

You are in a kind of capsule and you see the 4 hemisphere  puzzles from the 4 towers here. There's also a tablet here on witch you can again read the next bit of the story

You now have to solve the 4 puzzles here again, 1 by 1 and in a certain order. You can't do them in any order and now there's only one of the 4 puzzles activated.

So find the one puzzle that's now been active and solve that one. 

If you click the white button in the middle then you see witch of the 4 puzzles this is, 

so solve it and then go find the next activated puzzle and solve that one to and then the 3th one and finaly the 4th one and.......

..........When you have completed all 4 puzzles again , the capsule with Amia in it will fly to the next level.

Part 4: Bogard part 2: Caves

2021:Walkthrough by Dick Leeuw and  Louis Koot