January 2020: Walkthrough door : Louis Koot  en Dick Leeuw

Screenshots made by Louis Koot. Text is done by Dick Leeuw

If you have found this walkthrough via google search or via another site then you have  probably not visited my site. 

A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl


Menu and Option

Start the game and choose options, set the settings the way you want.

Then click on New Game and you will first see an introduction of the history of The 7th Guest.

The 7th Guest history: 

You then see  young Tad fleeing from the Stauf house.

Outside Tad finds a doll's head and this scares the living death out of him

Deepwood Sanitarium: 

Introducing Dr. Richmond and Tad

We skip years and years and we see that Tad has grown up and has been locked up for years in the Deepwood Sanatorium, an institution for the mentally insane.

You now see the introduction of Dr. Richmond and Tad. Dr. Richmond will be the new head of the sanatorium

Dr.Richmond and Dr. Thornfield, the old head, walking down the corridors, and Thornfield then shows Richmond Tad,  locked in his cell.

Tad then receives "a visit" from a ghost who tells him to return to the Stauf House.

The old head doctor warns Richmond for his modern ideas about treating the patients

When the introductions are over you get control of the game. You must choose who you want to play: Richmond or as Tad.

Both scenario's have different puzzles and also several endings. Start as Dr. Richmond:

Richmond Walkthrough:

Tad Walkthrough

Januariy 2020: Walkthrough door : Louis Koot  en Dick Leeuw

Screenshots made by Louis Koot. Text is done by Dick Leeuw