2018: Walkthrough by: Dick Leeuw and Louis Koot

Text by Dick Leeuw (edit by Louis Koot) and screenshots by Louis Koot

Part 1

If you play the game through Steam then your game shout have received an update, which includes a Jump assist. You can activate this Jump assist at the settings. The Jump assist will make jumping, especially in this world, a lot easier. 2 new things are being introduced in this Desert of Naar world and they are a "Wind disc" with which you determine the direction of the wind, and big Fans with which you are blown upwards.

You are in daytime. Walk off the disc to the Story Tile Vase, in witch  a paper scroll floats. 

In this Desert of Naar world there are 21 paper scrolls to be found and they tell the story of King Sarid, the lost soul you must bring back to Zeneth. So read this first Sarid scroll and then click it away. Follow the path to the suspension bridge, cross over the bridge and then  press the blue button, you'll see that a fan is starting to blow

Step into the air stream of the fan and....... you go up .....When you're floating in the air stream turn around ...

On the right you can jump to a platform with a moon pillar on it ..... to the left you can jump to a platform with a path .... 

Jump out of the air stream to the left platform and on the platform turn left. Follow the path and you'll come to Sarid scroll 2 and a "Day and Night disc".  I think that by now we do not longer have to tell you to read all of the Sarid scrolls you encounter......So we will not do this from now on.

Turn to the "Day and Night disc" but don't stand on it yet. Look at the pillar that stands on the platform on the other side.....Now you can see that it's a moon pillar, so you can only move that pillar at night. So go stand on the "Day and Night disc" now to switch to Nighttime . 

Follow the path back to the platform and  jump back in to the air stream and then jump to platform with the moon pillar

A big frog is standing here. It could be that a strong airflow comes out of the mouth of the frog now, but it could also be that this is not the case in your game. You cannot pass the frog when it blows out air.  So....if the frog blows air then you need to block the airflow. Slide the moon pillar in front of the frog's mouth. The moon pillar will  blocks the air flow and you can pass ..... 

Behind the frog you'll find a Hint sphere and a suspension bridge ....Read the messages of the hint sphere and then cross over de suspension bridge to the other side.

You'll find Sarid scrol 3. You also see the big door with in front of it the light scale in witch you must lay the first quarter piece, that you still have to find. To the right of the door burns a fire in a fire scale. The next suspension bridge is to the left of the door, but the bridge has no boards to walk over ..... 2 unlit fire scales are standing before the bridge and you'll have to light them up to be able to cross this bridge.  ...

There are some fruits lying here on the ground, so grab a fruit and light it in the burning fire scale , to the right of the door.

Walk with the burning fruit to the suspension bridge and light up the 2 fire scales and.........

As soon as you light up the two fire scales at the bridge, boards are coming onto the bridge. 

Walk down the bridge  to the lower platform, were you'll find a "Day and Night disc" and 3 blue buttons of which only the middle one is active. 

At the right side of the platform you'll find a smaller square platform, with in front of it an airflow is coming up. Look down there and you'll see an active fan beneath you...We'll use this ventilator in a moment to get back up here. Step on the "Day and Night disc" now  to make it day again and then go stand in front of the 3 buttons. 

Look at the other side of the gorge and you'll see why it's necessary that it's daytime. On the other side of the gorge you'll see a sun door that can only be open up during the day. Behind that sun door an air stream goes up. You also see, at the right of the sun door,  3 fans but they are covered with a lid

On the left side of the 3 buttons is a fan on the ground, but it's not activated now. Go stand on the edge, behind the 3 buttons,  and look down. 

You see a button and 4 closed off fans beneath you. You'll need to get the lids off from those 4 fans

Go back to the frond of the 3 buttons. The middle button is active. When you press the middle button you activate the 3 fans, on the other side of the gorge, and the 3 lids of those fans are then floating in the air. You most get those 3 lids at the same height up in the air, to form a "bridge" to the other side.

In order to get those 3 lids at the same height up in the air, you must press the 3 buttons in a kind of order. When successful the 3 buttons deactivate and you can no longer push/press them. We thing that the order in witch you must press the 3 buttons is random for each game, but this is how it works for us...

After the first push on the middle button, to start the fan,  push the middle button again 2 times and  then push the right button 1 time

Does this solution work in your game, then you must fiddle around with the 3 buttons yourself until you get it right.....but believe us.....it's not that hard. When you have de three covers floating in the air, at the same height, the 3 buttons will be inactive. 

Go stand on the edge, behind the 3 buttons, again. Look down at the 4 covered fans beneath you. 

No jump down to the 4 covered fans and push the blue button and........... the 4 fans will now turn on and the 4 covers of these 4 fans will float above your head in the air flows .........


  If you press the blue button again, the first lid will rise even further ........ You will use this in a few moments, but now press the button again to lower the lid back to the height of the other 3 lids.  

Turn left...... you see a wooden jetty and that fan you saw earlier and a hint sphere. Go read the message of the hint sphere

Look to the other side of the gorge........ you see a rune sign, floating on a plateau. We will get the rune later because we can't get to the rune sign now.  

Step on the fan, behind the hint sphere, and......you float to the top ..... jump back to the platform with the 3 buttons and the "Day and Night disc", without the jump assistant this is difficult to do

Go to the platform in front of the 3 buttons, but also pick up a fruit.

  Then jump to the first floating cover A ....... stand on the edge of cover A and look down at the blue push button beneath you ......

.... then throw your fruit on the push button below you and make sure you hit the button full with your fruit


    If you hit the middle of the button with your fruit then lid A goes up with you on it ........

.... then turn around on lid A and jump on the platform there. You'll find a "Rain disk" and a push button,


Go to the blue push button and press it once ....... the fan next to the 3 buttons below is now activated. Now step on the "Rain disc" and ..... It will rain and the water in the gorge rises ....... 

Now jump down to the platform with the 3 buttons and from there to the platform with the wooden jetty.


  Step onto the jetty and descend the stairs and then Jump across the ramps to the other side and grab the Rune sign.

  Jump back to the other side and walk to the blue button, at the 4 fans. 

Push the button1 times to lower cover A to the lower height. Cover A floats again at the same height as the other 3 covers.

Go to fan behind the hint sphere, step in the airflow to go up to the platform with the 3 buttons again . Then step in the airflow of the fan next to the 3 buttons, you float back up to the "Rain disc" . Step on the "Rain disc" to stop the rain. Jump back down to the plateau with the 3 buttons. Go to the platform behind the 3 buttons again and now  jump over the 4 floating covers to the Sun door on the other side of the gorge

......At the sun door...... click on the hand and the door opens .........Step into the airflow and you go up......

.....then jump down and go to the 3 floating fan covers and jump over them to the other side.

Walk through the arch to the chest, open it. Grab the 1st quarter door piece.

You carry the quarter piece with you. Now you must go back to the beginning, where the big gate is.

Go back to the square platform in front of  the 3 floating fan covers and jump back to the other side.

Jump down to the Sun door and then jump down to the platform with the 4 fans . Walk to the fan behind the hint sphere and step in the airflow to again go up to the platform with the 3 buttons and the "Day and Night disc" . Go to the suspension bridge, the planks on the bridge are gone. The two fire scales must be lit again.......

Put the quarter piece here on the ground for a moment......remember  where you drop it. Take a nut and light it at the burning fire scale and then light up the two fire scales at the bridge.........

.........and a little later you have planks again. Pick up the quarter piece again and walk over the suspension bridge to the big door. Place the quarter piece in the light scale and the door opens.

Go through the door and follow the path. On the right is another hint sphere and a bit further also a Sarid scroll and on the right you also see an airflow. Read the message of the hint sphere and read paper scroll 4

You see a door in the rock. Before the door stand a light scale. Go to the light scale......You must place a staff in the scale....Walk to the air flow and then look up you will see a box on top ........

... If you look left and then down you see 2 fans on a lower ledge..... fan A is on but fan  B is off.

Now jump in the airflow and .... you go up ...... you cannot jump from the airflow to the chest, so turn around and jump onto the narrow ledge and then walk up the ridge to the chest.

Open the box and take the staff. Walk back to the airflow. Jump back down and then walk to the light scale at the gate ant put the staff in it

The staff does not open the door but  a new disc appears in the game ...... this is the "Wind disc" and with this disc you can determine the direction of the wind ..... you can determine in which direction the wind shall blow.

"Wind disc" Explanation:

  • The "Wind disc:  has a small orange arrow ....... by pointing that small orange arrow to a certain side, you make sure that the wind blows that way.  

  • When you step onto the "Wind disc" you must instantly turn to the direction you want the wind to blow, if you hesitate you cannot turn the wind anymore.  

  • You have to step off the "Wind disc", look in the direction you want the wind to blow and then step on the "Wind disc"

  • To ensure that the orange arrow of the "Wind disc" is pointing in the right direction, you should always step in the right direction onto the "Wind disc"

You must go  through the door here,  so the wind has to blow towards the door. Go stand in front of the "Wind disc" and face the door......Step on the "Wind disc" ..........

.... the orange arrow of the disc points to the door and ..... the wind blows the door open .....So step through the gate ........

To the left, the next door, near the red flag, is also closed. On the edge, to the right, stand a blue button and behind the rocks you will find a Hint Sphere.   First go to the push button and press it to turn on  turned on fan B, on the ledge beneath you. You now see the airflow coming up ...... Go read the message from the hint sphere .......

Go back through the door to the "Wind disc".  Go stand behind the "Wind disc" again but this time face the rock wall left of the door, at the cactus plant......Step onto the "Wind disc" and.......

Unfortunately the door goes shut again, but the door at the red flag should be blown open now. ....... Turn around and walk to the edge at the airflow. 

Now jump off the edge to the lower edge, where the fans A and B are

Landed on the lower edge walk to fan B and step into the airflow to float up .......You'll see that the door at the flag is now open. 

So jump out the airflow, go to the red flag en step through the now open door. 

You are now at the other side of the brick wall. You'll see another Sarid paper roll. Read Sarid paper roll 4 and then walk on ....... 

You come at a "Wind disc", a turtle/frog  that can blow wind, a pillar and a revolting glass doors.  The turtle/frog is looking at the revolting glass doors but the pillar blocks the mouth of the turtle/frog

When stand in front of he turtle/frog turn around...... In the back stand a Hint sphere ...... Go read its message

  Go back to the frog. If you want the turtle to blow you have to turn the wind in the direction that is perpendicular to the propeller on top of the turtle. 

Go stand in front of the "Wind disc"....You face the wall behind the turtle/frog. Step on the "Wind disc" and......

The wind blows towards that wall and the turtle blows an air stream towards the left part of the revolting glass door, but the pillar blocks the air stream. Go stand on the right side of the pillar (between the pillar and the brick wall) and then push the pillar forward and.......now the air stream from the turtle reach the revolting glass doors and blows it to the other side. But you cannot run through the airflow, so push the pillar back in front of the turtles/frogs mouth to block his airflow again.

Now the turtles airflow is blocked again and the revolving glass door has opens you can go on to the next area. The revolving glass door is now blocking the little chamber were you'll see the rune sign, so you can not collect this rune sign yet. Go through the opening in the wall to the next area. 

You will see a number of things here. 3 frogs, 2 pillars A and B, a revolting glass door with 3 screens and, to the left also a "Wind disc". in the back there is also a "Day and Night disc" and a wooden door ......

I made a drawing of this puzzle. You start in the upper left corner and leave this area through glass door C.

On the drawing are the position of the glass doors, the columns, the 7 turtles, 2 wind disks, 1 day/night disk, a push button and a small gate.

  Pillar B blocks the revolving glass door A and you have to go through that door

Turtle/frog 1 now blows wind against door A and that has to change. ....... Walk to the other side of turtle/frog 1 and then push pillar A in front of its mouth to block the airflow.

........... Now go to pillar B and push it backwards so that pillar  B no longer blocks the revolting glass door A

Now go stand on the "Wind Disc" but make sure that you direct the wind to the left or right wall ...

 and.........the glass door is blown open by the wind from frog 3, which blows the wind through the wooden fence now

You have to go through the opening between the revolving glass door A and the wall but that is impossible because of the air stream from turtle 3. You have to stop the air stream of frog 3 now,  so step back on the "Wind disc" again  and aim the wind backwards, to frog 3 and....

.... turtle/frog 3 stops blowing, but door A stays open .... Now walk to glass door A ... against the wall you can now walk through door A, so do this and walk on to the next area.

Soon there will be a sandstorm blowing here, so you are warned .... In the middle of the area stand a  big round rock ..... If you walk around the rock you will find Sarid paper roll 5.

(Note from Louis.....I made a mistake with the frogs, they are no frogs but they are Turtles, so from now on I shall call them turtles)

You are at turtle 4 and turtle 5 and in the brick wall you see the revolving glass door B ....... On the ground lies a "Wind Disc" .

Door B must be open, so go stand on the "Wind disc" and aim the wind at turtle 4.....

Turtle 4 blows door B open but you cannot go through the opening because the air stream from turtle 4 prevent you to do this

You have to "turn off" turtle 4 again...So step onto the "Wind disc" again but this time aim the wind to the rock in the middle

...... Turtle 4 goes "off" and you can now continue through door B, so do this ......

Stepping through door B brings you in front of door C. Look to your left...You'll see turtle 6.  Turn around ...... you'll see turtle 7, a pillar and a blue  button ........

Walk to the blue button and click on it and ......... The wooden gate behind turtle 7 goes open

Now walk through the door to the "Day and Night disc" ...... You are back at turtle 1 ...... Step on the "Day and Night disc" to make it night now

When it is night, go back through the wooden door  to turtle 7 and now push pillar C in front of the beak of turtle 7, to block it now.

  Walk back through the wooden door to the "Day and Night disc" and go stand on it again to make it day again.

 Back through the wooden door and then back through door B to the "Wind disc" and the turtles 4 and 5 ....... Step onto the "Wind disc" and aim the wind towards turtle 5.........

Glass door B closes again but turtle 6 now opens glass door C .......... Door B has to be opened again because door A is closed too, so you are now actually locked up here.

Step again on the "Wind disc" again  and aim the wind towards Turtle 4 and......turtle 4 will blow glass door B open again .....

Door B and door C are now both open, but because Turtle 4 still blows and you cannot go through the air stream ......  

You have to step on the "Wind disc" again and point the wind towards the rock in the middle........

Now you can pass glass door B and glass door C.

Now you have solved this puzzle and you are outside the walls, go up the stairs  and then go left to the air stream of the fan

You have still 1 thing to do here and that is to pick up the rune sign Step into the air stream and you  go up. 

Jump down and go over the suspension bridge and then right over the next suspension bridge. There you'll find a "Day and Night disc" and a hint sphere, read the message of the hint sphere

On the left you will find another suspension bridge. Walk over this suspension bridge and walk to the platform. 

Jump down to the fan. Press the button to switch on the fan and jump further down to the rune sign.

Grab the rune sign and then press the button to turn the fan on. Step into the air stream and then float up, step in the next air stream to go back up.

Then walk back via the 3 suspension bridges and jump back down via the air stream. Next you go left into the next valley. Follow the path and you will find Sarid paper roll 6

Walk further and you will see a hint sphere on a plateau, walk and jump to it. Then follow the path down and to the left, you walk against Sarid paper roll 7.

  A little further you see 4 pillars, a "Day and Night disc" and 2 fans with which you can float upwards.

We continue in:

Desert of Naar part 2

2018: Walkthrough by: Dick Leeuw and Louis Koot

Text by Dick Leeuw (edit by Louis Koot) and screenshots by Louis Koot