Atlantis 3: The New World:

2023: Walkthrough by: Louis Koot

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Many more highly detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site and here is the url of my site:

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hen you start the game you first end up on a screen where you have to choose a Player. You can start 5 separate games.

So choose which player button you want to start the game under and you will be taken to the main menu screen for that player. Here you can exit the game, Save your game for this player, Load a saved game, go to the Game Options and return to your game. I recommend that you first go to the OPTIONS to set some game settings to your own preferences

I will not explain this Options screen further .... move your cursor over the various parts and you will read what you can set with it. I advise you to choose the 32-bit version of the game in this screen because the 16-bit versions will not work on your modern Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer

When you have set everything to your own satisfaction in this Options screen, click return and start the game via New Game.

In this game you are a young archaeologist who is looking for a mysterious Egyptian cemetery.

The game starts with 3 previews in which we get to know the 3 main characters in the game.  We first see the game's villain dig up a crystal skull.

Then we see how our young archaeologist, in the year 2020, races through the wasteland of the Hoggar Mountains in her "car".

Suddenly the archaeologist drives into a crossing gazelle and she crashes. Luckely there is an attentive Touareg nearby and our archaeologist is saved from certain death. In the evening we sit together by the campfire when the Touareg tells us that he is going to kill some guys.

Het zijn bandieten die de Touareg en zijn volk nu de toegang tot de enige waterput in weide omtrek ontzeggen. Terwijl de Touareg en zijn volk tot voor kort altijd onbeperkt toegang hadden tot de waterput. Toevalliger wijze is deze waterput nou net ook de plek waar ons archeoloogje naar toe wil. De Touareg verdwijnt en jij krijgt nu de controle over het spel.

Those guys are bandits who now deny the Touareg and his people access to the only well in the area. While until recently the Touareg and his people always had unlimited access to the well. Coincidentally, this well is precisely the place where our little archaeologist wants to go. The Touareg disappears and you are now in control of the game.

Part 1: Egypte: Dessert of  Hoggard and the rebirth of the  Farao

Part 2: Baghdad: The Thief of Baghdad

Part 3: Siberia: Prehistory and the Ending

2023: Walkthrough by: Louis Koot