2018: Walkthrough by: Dick Leeuw en Louis Koot

Tekst by Dick Leeuw, Screenshots by Louis Koot

If you have found this walkthrough via google search or via another site then you have  probably not visited my site. 

A lot more very detailed game walkthroughs can be found on my site at:  www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

introduction to the game, how to play and the intro movie

Chapter 1: Valsembor Clinic
Chapter 2: Youkols Camp Chapter 3: Valsembor: Steiner's Medicine
Chapter 4: Fire up the Krystal Chapter 5: Underwater
Chapter 6: Valsembor: Escape the Clinic Chapter 7: The Monster of the Lake
Chapter 8: Baranour part 1 Chapter 9: Baranour part 2
Chapter 10: Baranour part 3: Metro Tunnel Chapter 11: Olympic Stadium and Swimmingpo
Chapter 12: The Bridge Extra Content.......Oscar, An Automaton With A Plan